Salaaaam~~~ :) :) :)
Hi aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllll!!!! Especially to my ladies~~ I miss you all terribly... do pls update me with your well-being! G228.. hw's it going? YE20, Miss83 and SiNana.. ?? Dk25.. kahwin th bh lakas2! :P~ As for me, next week's the 8th monthversary.. nothing planned for that one (yet) but I have to take note that it's 4 mths to go till our 1st yr anniversary.. *sigh* time sure flies fast. I'm healthy as ever... have not get myself jabbed with the H1N1 vaccine. My daily routines have been busier than ever! But, Alhamdulillah~ everything went smooth sailing... and I pray that this will continue on until the end of the year. Still praying and hoping... *Amin*
My experience in planning MY wedding really does help me a lot with my working management and I've never been more than impressed with myself *patsmyselfonthe back* So, how's the preps for the rest of the bride-to-bes? Remember, plan it well and don't overspend.
I've been meaning to post this one up..supposedly LAST week sudah...but as mentioned, internet went gay on me. And behold, the B.L.A.C.K theme..