Assalamualaikum ladies..~
With the new year coming up (both Hijriah and Masehi) I would like to wish upon everyone
Selamat Menyambut Awal Tahun Hijriah 1431. New year, new styles and new newly weds! :D
As I was reading the chatbox the past few days, I could see that I somehow forgotten to put in on HOW I PLANNED OUT my wedding. It's more or less like what
reader has explained in the cbox but I think, better tah I explained in details lagi. Just so not to get all confuse. My sister really helped me out with this one.
Step 1 :
List out events for your wedding ceremony. Where and when will it take place? This will give tani the idea of brapa orang kan dijemput untuk satu2 event atu.. e.g. Nikah @ Masjid, surely you would want just close family and friends saja yg hadir kan? or Berbedak and Sanding @ Hotel / Hall... check with the hotel/hall :
- harga sewa and deposit
- ramai org ya bleh accomodate (Maximum)
- meja & kerusi provided or not? roundtable kah meja panjang mcm camp style
- how long before the function can we mobilise into the place.
- room for dressing up
- catering they provide or not (for hotels)
- entertainment services (some place provide their own entertainment services whilst the others we normally prefer either tausyikh, dzikir, hadrah, gulintangan or just simply get a CD with the mixture of all hehe cheaper kan?)
Step 2 : Once sudah dapat all the infos d atas atu, then you
decide no. jemputan yg kn d jemput for each event. Whether or not you want to have different invitation cards for each function or just inserts dlm ur invitation card for different events atu. D safest way would be combining all the details of other events atu in just 1 invitation card. Then again, ikut $$$ lh. You might wanna go the cheaper way of
printing ur own invitation card urselves OR
at our local printing shops OR
go online and customade ur own cards overseas... manaja yg you want and within the budget.
Step 3 :
Catering. If you're the type yang rajin mengaga org kawin.. no harm in doing food testing on the spot. I'm sure most caterers will leave their leaflet on the food table OR better yet, check out their uniforms for phone no.s and keep them safe for survey purpose. Things to look out for catering :
- the food they serves (check the package as to what they offer)
- other stuffs they provide like tents, chairs and table, tablecloths, platforms, fans, PA system perhaps?
- facilities like fluorescent lamps for tent (especially those yg ada event malam)
- services like serving drinks and sweets during the scorching hot day event (normally org suka ni)
If semua ani dpt di offer at a reasonable price and +ve feedbck frm others.. might want to take that into consideration? UNLESS, you prefer to rent the tents, tables and chairs elsewhere.. caterer from the small restaurant next door pun I'm sure not a problem (normally cheaper ni cemani and ofcourse nyaman!) check lh saja the difference between the prices. :D
Step 4 :
Baju. Upon dciding your events
, location and caterers.. here comes the best part. The wedding attire. Normally prices of rental for baju songket ranges from ($300-$600) dpending on what you want. Price is inclusive with accessories like tiara sets, veil, brooches, bracelets and the likes. For baju nikah, if I'm not mistaken.. as far as I rmember it's ranging from $150-$200. again dpending on whether u want to customade a nnew one or just rent the existing
. If u ask me, if you can afford to buy the kain (which I'm sure Jakel in KK or KL is on SALE at the moment) might as well beli kain utk baju Nikah atu right? A reader once asked me, yes they sale it cheap BUT dpending on which type of beaded lace you prefers. :) :) :)
Step 5 :
Make-Up and Photog (and maybe video). I samakan saja in this 5th step cos they are
EQUALLY IMPORTANT! Make sure you do trials for Make-Up AND book them as early as possible pasalnya, the good ones selalu kena book awal. But then again, as you go to Bridal Shops, kdg2 they offer their make-up service package with the baju2. As for photog and video (ani you all mesti weigh it out), some prefer to have both where as I preferred to have just pictures. Enquiry these ppl on the availabilities awal2 k? To avoid disappoinntment...
Step 6 : to be continued... hehehe